Loerie Farm Getaway Accommodation

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    • Loerie,
    • Thornhill,
    • Gamtoos
    Experience a true eco-retreat where you can relax in one of the most tranquil settings nature has to offer. Bergrivier is situated in beautiful, peaceful surroundings at the beginning or end of the Baviaanskloof route.
    • Self Catering
    • Camp Sites
    • Farm Getaway
    • Hiking Trails
  • More Info Check Availability / Book Online
    Pabala Private Nature Reserve
    • Hankey,
    • Loerie,
    • Gamtoos
    Pabala Private Nature Reserve is situated in the malaria-free Eastern Cape province of South Africa. Pabala is nestled in the Loerie district, located between the Garden Route coastal road and Baviaans Kloof Mega Park Reserve,...
    • Youth Holiday Camp
    • Self Catering
    • Camp Sites
    • Bush Camp
    • Game Reserves & Lodges
    • Farm Getaway

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